21 January 2007

No trademarked name but...

I had an eerily similar experience to Mrs. Bickerson's yesterday. I had come across a movie on TV that had robots in it. As I was watching it, trying to figure out what it was, Mr. FL walked past and said, "Is that Short Circuit?" "I don't know." "Does it have Steve Guttenberg in it?" "I haven't seen him." Then as if on cue, Steve Guttenberg appears. Mr. FL: "I saw that at the Yorktown Fashion Mall." The year was 1986. I don't think I'd like to play Trivial Pursuit against Misters Bickerson and FizzyLizzy.

Don't get me wrong; I appreciate the Memory Palace™. I just don't like how blasé Mr. B is about having this savant ability. If I could do it, I would be doing tricks all the time. "Look at me! Look at me!!" :-)

(Do you love living a parallel life with me as much as I do?)
Mr. B: "We saw that in Iowa City at The Englert Theater. Don't you remember that?"
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