13 July 2007

Day 6: The final installment

Here is a random photo taken from our car as we left the hotel parking lot. I kinda wish I had a photo of the Target lined with palm trees that was kiddy-corner from our hotel. By the way, I think it could have been very dangerous to have a Target that close by. We only made one trip, but I'm sure one could think of all sorts of little "necessities." After we left the hotel we drove down to the ocean and took the Pacific Coast Highway up to LAX (and Spinal Tap sighting). Along the way we stopped at an ecological preserve, saw the simultaneously awesome and disgusting (in the way one could be disgusted at the evidence of mass consumerism) Long Beach shipyards, and stopped at a scenic overlook. My final L.A. wish to try an In-N-Out burger was denied. I guess it's just a reason to go back now.

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