29 February 2008

Leap Day: License for Strange Behavior?

Earlier this week I made my first foray into Costco since my rant against them in January in order to purchase snacks for William's basketball team. While there I noticed they had girls' swimsuits for $11.49. So I returned with the kids today to buy one for Katherine to ruin in Costa Rica. I put it on the conveyor belt at the register and placed one of those plastic bars in between that and the lady-in-front-of-me's baby wipes. Like a deer in the headlights I watched as the cashier removed the plastic bar and scanned my swimsuit with the lady's baby wipes. And voila, already it was too late to take it off her order. Aparently it is some huge hassle--and this lady was in a hurry--to remedy this situation. So I paid the lady cash for the swimsuit. (Of course I only realized later that if I need to exchange it I'm in trouble.) After I did that, the cashier asked for my membership card and started to scan the swimsuit. Dude! Are you totally out of it? And of course no apology from him, giving me a look the whole time like it's my fault. On our way out of the store I found out why the lady was in such a hurry. She had parked her Mercedes SUV in the fire lane.

Some dude honked at me on the freeway. I didn't think he was honking at me so I didn't look, but Katherine said he shook his finger at me in a tsktsk sort of way. Since there was no possible traffic infraction, I can only surmise that maybe he thought my kids should have been in school. I really have no idea.

While attempting to signal to a driver that he was going the wrong way on a one-way around Southdale Mall, he gave me the finger. Nice.

So that's three. I'm off the hook, right? Hopefully the only strange behavior I will further encounter will be at our friend Dan's 40th (or 10th) birthday party tonight.

My patience with Costco is running low. The most recent complaint is that their milk jugs were constructed by the same company that makes those trick dribble cups.
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